When the mountains are vibrant with fall color in Tennessee, it's time for fly fishing. As water temperatures cool and days get shorter, brown and brook trout begin their annual spawning ritual in many East Tennessee streams.

The majority of wild trout habitat occurs in the Blue Ridge region of East Tennessee and anglers have more than 850 miles of streams to pursue trout. Most of these streams are on public land in the Cherokee National Forest or Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Fall fishing can be productive for catching trout, especially larger brown trout, as fish are moving about to spawn. Anglers wanting to catch brook trout, Tennessee’s only native trout, will find themselves in some of the most scenic streams the state has to offer in pursuit of this spectacular fish.
Some of the better streams in East Tennessee to pursue fall brown and rainbow trout are Beaver Dam and Laurel Creeks in Johnson County, Little River in Blount and Sevier counties, Tellico River in Monroe County and Doe River and Laurel Fork in Carter County.