Cooper's Gem Mine has been serving the Tri-Cites community for the past 25 years. Creating smiles for thousands of children and adults. Bringing a touch of History, Geology, and Science all together to educate miners of all ages. It has been a real pleasure says the owners Amy and Johnny Cooper whom first fell in love with mining in 1991, on there honeymoon in North Carolina. Upon Amy's return to historical Blountville,Tn she told her newly wed husband Johnny that she wanted to build her own gem mine; Where she could play in the dirt and learn more about her passion and love for rocks while sharing it with others in her community. During the past 25 years Amy has had many opportunities to educate miners of all ages due to private funding given to help create the education packages that are still offered to this day. Our packages were designed for schools and organizations although we do share the same education with the general public, just with a little less detail. Just to give you an idea of some of our educational programs that Cooper's Gem Mine offers, our education package includes a 1-gallon bucket, barrel train ride and rock identification for all students at an affordable rate. Our education packages are very comprehensive on gems & minerals, fossils, and we even have a volcano demo for large groups and organizations such as schools, boys and girls club, boy scouts, girl scouts, and many other types of organization. The fun doesn't end there! We also have lots of coloring and activity sheets on our website and Facebook page to help with reinforcing what the children/guest have learned, while there take a break and watch a parody video about rocks and fossils. Cooper's Gem Mine is a true treasure hidden away in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee. How do we take care of our guest? We offer a variety of sizes and prices on our buckets that fits anyones budget. We always have a full knowledgable staff on hand to teach miners how to pan for gems and the identification of there gem stones. Please don't just take our word for it Rachel Dale reviewed us on Facebook and had this to say "My grandson went here for a field trip, really is a good place and very educational about the gems,well worth the trip. Go out and try it for yourself you won't be disappointed from what I experienced" we feel that many of our miners have had this very same or similar reaction over the years, so please take a moment and check us out online at www.coopersgemmine.education or https://www.facebook.com/coopersgemmine. Visit Cooper's Gem Mine where you can discover gems & minerals while becoming "A Legend in Your Own Mind." We hope you choose to visit us real soon so you can get a taste of mining and treasure hunting. You choose your bucket size, as we have many to choose from and start your adventure on what might be greatest hunt of all. What you find is yours to keep. you can find and discover anything from multicolored quartz, such Amethyst Quartz, Citrine Quartz, Emeralds Quartz, and many other precious and simi-precious types of gems and minerals.
For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Cooper's Gem Mine directly.