Lauderdale County Chamber of Commerce and Museum

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Lauderdale County Chamber of Commerce and Museum

The Lauderdale Chamber/ECD is a non-profit, pro-business organization working together to build a healthy economy and improve the quality of life in the community. Through the power of its membership, the Chamber serves as a united voice for the business in the community in local, state and national affairs.

The Chamber draws on the ideas, talents, energies, leadership and finances of its members to achieve this united voice. By joining together, the Chambers' membership is able to make a positive impact on the entire community. A Chamber enables members of the business and professional community to accomplish collectively what no one of them could or would do individually. The various councils, coordinating groups and task forces work to bring about reform and improvements in the areas of education, economic development, community improvements, tourism, and areas that affect the quality of life in our community.

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Lauderdale County Chamber of Commerce and Museum

For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Lauderdale County Chamber of Commerce and Museum directly.

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