Las Paletas

Explore Nashville, TN

Las Paletas

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Made in the store’s kitchen, Las Paletas offers “cream” paletas that have the texture of an ice cream bar and “fruit” paletas that have the texture of a traditional ice pop. Using fresh, ripe fruit, vegetables and other ingredients including grains, nuts, flowers and herbs from community gardens, 20 or more flavors are offered each day. You will find traditional Mexican flavors (such as lime, tamarind, pineapple with chili peppers, hibiscus, avocado, “hot” chocolate with chili peppers, and mexican caramel) next to flavors suggested by customers (e.g. peanut butter, chocolate banana, chocolate with chocolate chips) and seasonal flavors (e.g. pumpkin,corn, basil, lime with mint). 

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Las Paletas
Monday: 11am – 5pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11am–6pm

Friday and Saturday: 11am to 7pm

Sunday: 11am to 6pm
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For the most up-to-date hours and information, please contact Las Paletas directly.

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